Invisible Only to You
Underwing Moths (Catocala) do more than hide from their predators. The moths usually blend seamlessly into backgrounds of tree bark and leaves, but when threatened they reveal a pair of startlingly bright hind wings in red, orange, or pink. This sudden revelation startles predators, giving the moths time to escape and fly away.
Many marginalized human communities also remain unseen by outsiders. Have you ever heard someone claim that there was no racism in your town? Or gay people in your community? Still, these communities exist and—especially when threatened by verbal, physical, or state violence—may reveal themselves in startling brilliance. The choice of when, how, and by whom to be seen is a powerful one as individuals navigate states of invisibility and hypervisibility under oppressive power structures.

glicée, acrylic, custom printed fabric, and papercut
72"X36" 2016 original available for purchase